
This website is not in active use and previous content removed.  I promised myself that I would not get involved in any disaster in 2018, but the Campfire was too big to not be involved, even on a limited basis.

I have immense wisdom, but I’m getting exhausted from this work, but also stronger in wisdom and value.  It is a strange dichotomy. 

To those supporting my vision you have my eternal gratitude!  I’m so excited to share this journey with you.  When I’m ready to go public with what’s happening, I look forward to sharing it.  But for now I prefer to work quiet and steady. 

To those grieving from their own home loss, I offer you these words.  (Click here)

Thank you for your interest.
~ Kimberly

Lessons from those who lost their homes so you can protect yours.

California firestorms have reached historic proportions annually in size and number of homes destroyed.

With my humble resources and immense passion I responded, learned and helped where possible.  The wisdom gained is immense.

With what was learned, the question now is how can we improve the outcome of these catastrophic events?

No one will have the perfect answer in disaster relief, but a willingness to be part of the solution is what we need.